More peace and quiet for small and big alike:
Carpeting reduces your indoor noise level
A collapsing tower of building blocks sounds like a loud, rumbling drum roll – at least it does on a hardwood or laminate floor. While playing and romping about is important for our children’s development, it’s not always easy on the nerves of their parents or neighbors.
Since carpets and carpet tiles reduce the noise level by absorbing some of the sound vibrations, they promote pleasant indoor acoustics. And that makes them a good choice with frolicking kids. Carpets go hand in hand with a quieter atmosphere for small and big alike.
Thanks to its natural pile material, tretford carpeting offers additional advantages as well. It effectively reduces fine particulate matter from indoor air and its hygroscopic properties allow tretford carpeting to absorb moisture and release it as needed. This plays a part in ensuring a good indoor climate so that our little ones can have fun and enjoy carefree play.
The benefits of carpeted floor at a glance:
• easy on the joints
• improves indoor climate
• soft yet firm structure (game pieces won’t easily tip over)
• reduces noise level
• hard-wearing and easy-maintenance
• extensive color palette
• edges won’t fray
• suitable for underfloor heating systems
• effectively reduces fine dust indoors
Color schemes for children's rooms
Children see the world with different eyes; in fact, their color world evolves as they grow older. In toddlers, color vision still hasn’t fully developed and they don’t have any color preferences. Children aged three to five love bright red, orange and yellow. By the time kids are five to seven years old their color world also encompasses pinks, greens and blues. Children fundamentally prefer light, clear and vibrant colors.
Children have a lively imagination. They playfully slip into the guise of a pioneer, pirate or fireman and they love to play out stories. Since children are naturally closer to the floor, this is where a color design should start. Support your child’s creativity by opting for natural, colorful carpeting.
tretford makes this very easy by offering wall-to-wall carpeting, carpet tiles and rugs (including round area rugs) in over 60 colors.
Carpet tiles are particularly well-suited for children’s rooms. They make it easy to add color and to create rooms that can evolve with the child as it grows older. Read more about rooms that grow with your child here>>>
Daycare, kindergarten, school
A nursery that is 'convertible' pays dividends as your kids pass through childhood! tretford carpet tiles can be beautifully incorporated into playscapes and themed bedrooms that can be redesigned time and again. Numbers and geometric forms can be playfully learned. Once flocked carpet tiles by tretford have been installed in their room, Max and Paul won’t even have to go outdoors to play hopscotch.
Ingo Schraub, marketing and sales director for tretford carpeting, explains that: 'Kindergartens and daycare centers are generally the first places where children spend time outside of their home environment and without their parents. In this important phase of a child’s development, a good color concept can play an important, supportive role.'
In the education sector, it thus pays dividends to create colorful spaces that guide children in their development and give them a place where they feel sheltered and at ease.
Let our examples serve as inspiration for you. Check out some testimonials from the education sector>>>
Effectively reduce fine particulate matter
The German allergy and asthma federation (DAAB e.V.) commissioned a much noted study on fine particulate matter in interior spaces at the GUI environmental institute of Mönchengladbach. The published results from the surveying of over 100 households demonstrated that the incidence of fine dust on smooth floors is – on average – 62.9 μg/m³,
in other words, more than twice as high as found in carpeted rooms (30.4 μg/m³) – and also regularly higher than the boundary value for outdoor air (50 μg/m³) on up to 35 days per year.
tretford carpeting can much more easily trap indoor pollutants and allergens – and thus prevent them from circulating in the air – than hard surface flooring. This has been certified by the environmental institute Umwelt- und Innenraumanalytik mbH (GUI).